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‘There is still time to solve the issue’

Speakers at a seminar yesterday called for discussion with the agitating students to resolve the ongoing crisis.
They said there is still time to solve the issue. The crisis can be resolved through dialogue. If terrorism and violence are stopped, peace, harmony and non-communal democratic Bangladesh will be established.
They were speaking at a views-exchange meeting organised by Sampriti Bangladesh at CIRDAP auditorium yesterday.
Pijush Bandyopadhyay, convener of the organisation, presided over the event, while member secretary Professor Dr Mamun Al Mahtab moderated it.
Journalists Ali Habib and Farhad Mahmud presented a keynote paper.
“No student can engage in such violence. Students are quite aware and patriotic. Therefore, Bangladesh will never lose its way if the young and the old join hands,” Pijush said.
He called for release of all the innocent students arrested in connection with the violent incidents.
Maj Gen (retd) Mohammad Ali Shikder, joint convener of the platform, said, “We weren’t prepared for what we are witnessing in Bangladesh today. Those from the new generation were supposed to love the country. In the name of the quota reform protests, I do not wish to see any violence, any loss of life, any destruction to the state’s assets.”
DU Professor Chandranath Poddar appealed to the government to release all innocent students from jail.
“All the murders must be prosecuted. Innocent students should be released. Besides, there are different kinds of rumours which must be curbed. Explain our call to the prime minister, to the students, and send it to the educational institutions,” he said.
Basudev Dhar, president of Bangladesh Puja Udjapan Parishad, also spoke among others.
